Monday, 8 August 2011

Barnsley prop Forwards / Show prop from Barnsley ?

3 shows in to the Edinburgh free fringe - each show different - each audience different - and some tweaks to the show.

Last night was SOOOOOO funny - it was a real gem... and I met some of the most lovely and polite young people I have seen in a while...

The average age of the audience last night was about 21 - mostly young girls - which sort of meant that a whole load of references and stuff was ... well... just not resonating with them. But they were so polite and nice, they stayed with the show and joined in with the spirit of the show ... Very polite young people....

Once you see the show you will understand why... but smashing / lovely / terrific ... and they loved the ending section of the show... its always nice to finish on a high... (you cant see me doing my Jazz hands when I said this ...never can have too much Jazz hands :) :) ... speaking a crock of sh*t of course..)

Now onto the famous / infamous Barnsley prop ... which I can't go into detail here about as it would spoil the show -  and the care and attention Gill put into making it for me...

For rugby fans who have taken the double reference regarding a prop / meaning the front row of a rugby forwards pack, as well as prop in terms of the use of a piece of equipment for displaying.

In rugby terms - The prop (no 1 and 3)  keeps coming loose and this does cause some issues at the show...   loose "binding" for the Barnsley prop has been mentioned... Its simple - when you go to uncontested scrums - you use a loose bind method to assist in quick release of the pack...

I know this has missed 50% of the audience reading this - so lets just say for the rest of you - it has cost me a fortune in tape to secure it...

In terms of takings - well thankfully I don't need this money to live this week - but anyway I am not doing the show for the financial return luckily .. as if I was I wouldn't be doing the free fringe - but in terms of promoting the act its been great fun and I recommend it to young acts as an investment into their future in the world of entertainment - if that's what they want to do of course..

I have some show work - and some other work to sort out for the show today.... There are 2 bareguitarists here at the moment - and one of them is in town busking ... the show should be a little easier with the two of us - as getting thing sorted. Set up, etc, has been difficult to say the least on my own.

Filming the show tonight hopefully - and then on to see a couple of other shows tonight...

Its good to be a bareguitaritst.....


  1. "mostly women aged 21" were you dreamin. ;0)

  2. I think she did it on purpose ;-)

  3. OK chaps - seriously so there were a group of young girls - and 3 Spanish university students ... only one was female - but they were all around that young impressionable age - needless to say - I am sure I impressed at the close of the show :) :) OK OK maybe not .. but my ego needs to think so...
