For some reason I have been really hungover today.... yesterday some friends came around and we had some African food I rustled up, some beer and wine, I don't remember having a lot ? but today has been a write-off as I was just hungover the entire day.
I actually don't mind being hungover if I can remember having the good time leading up to the hangover, but no - I think I only had about 6 or 7 Coronas ... which is actually what I normally have before wine... so a bit of a disappointment. However good food, good company and nice to see everyone.
Last time I was in Devon .. Devon is where Hamsters go when they die .. well they don't go to ell do they ... I picked up a couple of garden gnomes... OK OK - so I pick up rather strange souvenirs but a group of us had gone to Gnome Land .. so it sort of made sense to me... and these garden gnomes are a normal part of a garden party, or at least they thought they were, until abused by one of the guests ... mention no names here Silvia !! - she knocked one over... no apology, no nothing ... I wanted her to pick it up and start talking to it ...well that will teach me to go looking for a picture for the blog...
Before that - I thought that the evening was going well as we set everything up - the BBQ ready, food prepared and ready, then we discovered we had a wasps nest in the garden... I have no idea where they came from, it just happened that they appeared almost as if they were invited to the evening... well they weren't... so if you combine a blackbird who sat under the garden table for most of the early evening eating worms.. a set of frisky wasps, gnomes, and a slith, the evening got off to a strange start.. just a normal bareguitarist BBQ then..
The run-in to Edinburgh has begun. the marketing is done as much as possible, props about ready, picking up some technical stuff tomorrow for the show, and that's about it then... of course I am still doing a last minute thing or two, but that's it now.. I have what I have...
I always knew a show would take some time to get sorted out. But I had no idea how much of my personal time it would take to get this stuff sorted out. If I added up the time I have spent on this, I would say it has been a 2nd full-time job... Now I know a lot more about this sort of set-up than I did before.. and next time I will do a little more effective work to make it easier.. even so.. its been great... I think..?
Bed is calling me ... only a few more sleeps ... a few more lists.. a few more props ... a few more prints... PANIC !!!!!!!!!!