Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Goodbye Postman Pat

Its taken a lot of Heart searching - Soul reflection - Mind Probing (yes MIND !!! probing) - Consultation - Discussion Groups, and finally - my unique version of Postman Pat has got to go... I got some good fun stuff from people regarding my FB post request for funny Postman Pat stuff - not enough to do what I wanted though... thanks for all the contributions... BUT ...

This is a sad day... a minutes silence please .... Hey you at the back - be quiet !!!

Its of course not the full 6 mins I need to cut to get the show overrun sorted - but its a start.

I guess its time to do a dry run of the show then to see what the timing is like - but I have Hostel running in the background and its distracting me .. so maybe tomorrow then..

In the meantime I must do my press pack for the show - my press releases - and some other work -fun fun fun ....This is great - a very exciting time..

Well as I am sharing what has been taken out of the show in tonight's blog - I will share an image that nearly made it... but got dropped also, below...

Enjoy :) :)

The Bareguitarist

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