Today is a day of not happening in terms of anything outside of some work on the show and other work - "best made plans of mice and men" I guess... I had planned to cycle to the gym and have a gym session today - but that didn't happen.. I had also planned to sort out some outstanding person stuff - which didn't happen either ... What did happen is I ran through the show over a few spare mins and found out that it no longer flowed correctly .... ba****+!!!*&^% ... so in and out of my other commitments I have been fiddling with the show structure to see if it could be easily repaired.... give you one guess !!! And just in case you didn't get the right answer - not easily and STILL being worked on...
That's just great... I, of course, only have myself to blame for this - I have not completed an end to end run through for about a week or so, and changed a number of things in the mean-time. Never the less I did have the structure in my mind and it worked, in my head.... just not in execution....
Its at these times that I begin to think that its time to get a Dog., and have a go at Britain s Got Talent instead - I could make it do tricks...
And look good for the voting public ....
Its got to be easier than what I am trying to do right now !!!!
after all one of the previous finalists couldn't even do a trick - and I can do what the owner did - Stand on stage looking like an idiot with a dog between my legs !!!
Ah - OK - guess that's too close to my actual show then :) :) LOL.....
One positive (you should always leave the audience with a positive) is that I have devised a cunning plan (Baldric..) ready just in case my performers outnumber the audience .. (1 in other words .. keep up will you!!) .. It involves 6 pints of McEwans Export - 2 bags of nuts - and a tissue .. (not saying what the tissue is for..)
Back to work - real work - and show work - and a small snack !!!
When did you ever have a SMALL snack???