Thursday, 30 June 2011

Mad as a Bag of Cats !!!

No Blog yesterday ... was planning to have one - but no - no Blog... no rehearsal dry run of the show - events just took over the evening...

I was all set for a dry run of the times and some of the pieces between music ... then I got a call - another call - a text - then my darling sister decided to go into battle on FB ... I obviously took the higher ground .... I showed my mature and sophisticated nature ... and responded ... 55 comments later .. a picture of chalk ... and her face on a picture of Superman ??? .... and dry run opportunity gone....

So do I know how long exactly the show runs for, what I need to shorten or lengthen between the slots ...NO .. I am still in the dark about this.

This then led me to have strange dreams about the show last night .. a reoccurring dream like the one you get of going over a cliff (no not the Richard one... that one only occurs when I have been wearing my pink T-shirts!!)  and just as you are going over the edge - you wake up know the one ??

This was equally vivid, so vivid I remember it clearly...

The dream .. ah yes .. starts with me running through the show from the start, however someone (and this is the  bit I don't remember exactly), or should I say a different person each time I fell back to sleep, would hop on stage and start to talk to me through the show ... actually singing and running an entirely different content to the show.. the back drop never gets started ... and the show ends with them leaving the stage and I start to tell the audience that the show backdrop images were great and should have been started an hour ago...

I start to run the images - and the lights come on and someone says the shows over .. the hour is finished .. the last thing I rememberer is looking down at my watch and stumbling some words out about "is that the time really.. " IS THAT THE TIME REALLY ... no flashy exit, no funny comment, no assertive statement.. ????

wet lettuce ....

 ...then of course I jolt and wake up with a shock..

I had this dream, this same dream, some 4 or 5 times last night ... and who are these people that keep hopping on stage and do a show.. their show ... with me standing there watching ...?  If I can remember who you are .. you're in BIG trouble !!! One of them was a naked female who was doing a stand-up routine ..I am not even sure it was a particularly good one ... but I was completely up-staged... Who are you cruel people !!!
I know what you are asking .. what did she look like? what was the colour of her hair?

HOW THE HELL DO I KNOW ... I'm a bloke.. do you think for one minute my eye line went that high with a naked woman on stage???  I think she was a natural Brunette .. but no other ideas.. :)

I must get this timing sorted out tomorrow maybe.. as I have to know if it all fits together... and I must have better quality sleep, else I am going to end up as mad as a bag of cats ...

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I fess up; they were all me; each & every character!
