Want to know a secret - something fun and perhaps potentially the most embarrassing thing I am planning to get up to..
Well I will tell you - but you cant tell anyone else .... I have enrolled in the Ukulele battle of the bands type of thing on Tuesday night - Tuesday 9 August - at 9 at the Three Sisters (Gothic Room) .. with Duke and myself playing for a competitive play off on the Ukes - not a big thing - well if you consider that I have only had my Uke for 1 year - and unlike the guitar that I have played in public, on stages, in front of some quite large audiences - I have never played Duke in public, on a public stage, and I have now entered into a battle of the bands sort of thing for Ukes - then it is a big thing... why did I do it ? - well I don't know why exactly - why did Columbus cross the globe ? why did Wall Mart purchase Asda ? I guess it was there, so I couldn't help myself... and for the other examples here it was probably the same ....
Apparently I should prepare 3 songs - two for the main - and one for an encore - yeah yeah - I will just prepare 2 then - hee hee.
Waiting to hear from other battles of the banks - there is one for buskers - so who knows - but lets see what comes along for an interesting week or so at the Edinburgh fringe..
It could be worth mentioning that one of my pieces is being reviewed to be played at the After dark entertainment at the Ed Fringe - I can't say which one - but I love the fact that my music is being played - its great.
Loads of ed fringe activity going on - loads to do - loads to do once I am there - and need to find some time to tune the performance to a level I am happy with... not there yet - but I WILL get there - its good but not great at the moment...
Onwards - I am having interesting comments about the blog at the moment - wont go into them now - but they are all very positive - and that's what keep me going with it... read enjoy - send money to .. no 6 bl... well you get the drift..
difficult to be a struggling bareguitarist artist !!!!
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