Just an amazing day yesterday. The entire day was back to back. The most of the evening was on the phone constantly - both phones fully utilised...normally there is a load of things happening, but never this frantic usually..
Some of the highlights of yesterday ... well some work on the show back drop. This was needed as with all these things it was being a bit quirky for some unknown reason... all resolved and back on track...
A heavy day on "non show" things - was well just a heavy day...
Some of the recorded music was sent to me for review - but - its not OK - so some more work to do today on this... Once this is in place then we can push forward and produce some CD 's on the show music ...
Picked up my customised props for the show - and the famous or infamous "Barnsley prop" is now done and dusted... they are good - they are really good !!!! (thanks Gill)
Some art work for the show - and pushed this off to the printers ready for them to do their magic... still waiting for this to be sent back - and then electronic marketing of the show..
That was yesterday ... now I need to get some of these loose ends sorted out, finalised, and finished off ready for the final production piece for the show.
Its quite busy - there is an option to pay for a PR firm to get a hell of a lot of this stuff done for you... but that's an extra cost I don't need right now... so its getting things done in the most cost effective way possible.. and this is the most cost effective way possible... Shanks Pony for PR I guess ...
Its a must - that today I need to clean up loose ends - loose ends in the marketing - PR - extra shows - back drop - printing - and a whole load in work also.. (which I am not going to detail).
Just over a week to the show - Just over a week to get things right - Just over a week to finalise the entire structure - Just over a week to double my Valium dose !!!!! YIPEE eee ee e (Valium kicked in... )
Busy bareguitarist ....
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