Monday, 18 July 2011

Look 10 years younger - guaranteed ....

Today is just a great day !!! backdrop just about finished - projector sourced (thanks to my good mate John C who's nick names is Jesus .. he is not religious as such... but JC.. )  a good and productive day then...

 The sample track of a new song has been laid by my good friend MusicSmith - - who is joining me at the festival - and with drums / base / it all sounds good... he is very rusty on his organ though ... his MOUTH organ ... honestly !!!!

Had a brief 10 mins so I tried the new guitar strap - well that's not going to work... I am going to have to use plan B ... once I have a plan B that is ??? but at least the new strings sound better and that's a bonus...

I was pinged in my blog by a French person on my Sunday blog, I had clearly attracted some interest when mentioning Roast Beef and the French in the same sentence ... they have a thing about Roast Beef - Its what they call Brits as a sort of nick name - actually the English more than the brits.. but we have a secret weapon - our national dish is not Roast Beef its Curry !!!! So there !!! Oh yes - The most popular dish in Great Britain is Curry ... so the garlic crew can say what they want ... yes I know that statistically they are supposed to be better lovers than the Brits, better cuisine, better wine, more romantic, better at oral pursuits (if you get my drift), BUT do they have VINDALOO !!! .... No they don't !!! and the poorer they are for it !!

You  will be pleased to know that I don't cover cuisine in the show... its not can't cook won't cook you know!!

My partner likes the apprentice .. so inevitably I do watch it .. and although most of the time it is a recorded version, last night it was the final which had to be watched live... (apparently??)

I watched some of the personalities play out in the final - and the business plans they submitted - is it just me or does everyone think that this lot of the UK leading entrepreneurs are clueless?  Business plans without the financials to back them up - business plans without the costings in - plans without any research - plans without go to market strategies - one plan had a stream of cosmetic products that had no approvals for its manufacture ... so its a face cream madam, makes you look 10 years younger, but burns at 130 degrees when it chemically reacts to sunlight .. you will look 10 years younger as long as you stay in the dark... ALL women look 10 years younger in the dark !!! ....well that's novel advice for all women then ...

Its like my idea for a cosmetic for women to pull men -  100 proof alcohol based cream that you give to men about 2 hours before you meet them on a date ... then all women are 10 years younger - 2 dress sizes smaller - 42 - 22 - 36  .. do you think that Sir Sugar will invest 250K in my idea? maybe not...

It was the inventor that won - not the sales person - not the queen of organised - or the cream fatal of the make-up world..  actually it was a choice of the best of a bad bunch in the end.. Call me an idiot .. OK OK - not so loudly please !! - but I think combined there was the making of an excellent company - sales - operations - inventions - and delivery in the last 4 - and actually he should have set them all off in one company and told them to use their individual strengths to make a company of the future.. but then where is the TV in that idea?

So having offended the French - the Brits - women - and one of the richest people in business, its time for a bearwithasoreheadguitarist to go to ground for a while .. or at least until tomorrow !!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh dear - where did my brother go to? and please DON'T tell me who 'musicsmith' is - think I might scream........
