Sunday, 3 July 2011

A Scottish equivalent to the name Gonzales

Its perhaps not well known that you get something like about 4 to 5 emails a week on the show, format, conduct, equipment, requirements, things to do, and things to get ready for... My partner thinks I am having an affair with Alex Petty (the main contact for the team who organise the show) as he is always emailing me. :) of course its not just me, its all the entertainers.. It a huge job these chaps do for the free festival...

Today is a bit of a lazy day, tracking the tennis results, looking at the boxing results from last night, and doing a  bit of clearing up around the garden before sitting down in the disappearing sunshine.. soon its going be time for that glass of wine, you know, the one that signifies the evening has arrived and its time to relax and let the evening wash over you...

I'm sat watching Only Fools and Horses, a real classic programme and thinking about some of the things I have to do next week - Its going to be a busy one - with some early morning work on the show. It is so tempting to get a PR company on the job, but there is no way that the show will give the returns necessary to pay for this, in fact I doubt it will give the returns to pay for more than a percentage of the costs... but hey its all for the fun of it...

I saw a very interesting comment today about the significant reduction over the last 12 month for the national statistic for drink driving .. that its hardly a surprise as no-one can afford the cost of petrol never mind the costs for beer and petrol combined... anyway Meths is much better and cheaper ...

So today I need to know a couple of things if anyone can assist -

The name of a famous couple of pubs in Edinburgh - the name of the famous cemetery - a Scottish equivalent to a  name like Gonzales - a well know area of Edinburgh - and a famous alley way in Edinburgh .. god alone knows if I will remember them based on my rehearsal last week !!! but lets start with the presumption that I am professional artist (not a professional piss artist !!! ) .. answers on a post-card please ...(only joking..) what am I going to do with this - well there is a song I want to include this stuff in .. and that's as much information as I am going to give out...

The other thing I need is a real PPT guru - as Power Point is still playing up with some of my visuals...

 Anyway - its wine time again - and that means the blog has to take its normal second place ... to wine that is...

The bearguitarist...

1 comment:

  1. Is Alex a boy or a girl? :-)

    How about.... Deacon Brodies, The Bow Bar, The Diggers (AKA the Athletic Arms!!!), Greyfriars - that's the place you screamed like a girl when the jumper ooter jumed oot!! Morningside (posh!), Niddrie (not so posh!!!), Mary Kings Close...but there's a lot down there!
